
About the MA in Innovation Degree

Why Study Innovation at Cedarville?

In a world that values creative, thoughtful problem-solvers, 用学位推进你的职业生涯,让你成为一名创新者和领导者. 沙巴体育(Cedarville University)的在线创新文学硕士(MAI)是沙巴体育(Cedarville’s Plaster School of Business)与英国皇家学院(the University of sciences)的独特合作项目 International Center for Creativity 在哥伦布, 俄亥俄州-将装备你推动各个领域的创新, 培养一种创新和解决问题的文化,以反映上帝的设计.


  • Business Analytics and Visualization
  • Business Innovation
  • Healthcare Innovation (NEW)

From design thinking to strategic analysis, 我们的课程将理论见解与实际沙巴体育相结合, 通过圣经的视角赋予你领导变革和促进经济增长的能力. You'll engage in hands-on projects, 案例研究, 和现实世界的挑战,发展一个强大的“值得解决的问题”,你会在你的研究中探索.

请求的信息 时间表 an Appointment

What Sets Cedarville Apart?

  • 圣经 Worldview

  • 在线

    All courses are offered in an online format, 具有灵活的兼职和全职完成选择.
  • 前沿


Program Overview

Program Highlights

圣经 – With Cedarville’s biblical focus in every course, 你将认识到上帝是造物大师和所有创造力的创造者.

专业 -您将从三个专业中选择一个:商业分析和可视化, Business Innovation, or Healthcare Innovation.

Hands-on Learning – As part of your online coursework, you’ll learn by doing, blending knowledge and skills, theoretical ideas and practice. 

Career Preparation – Along with this focus on innovation, 你将学习实用的商业领导课程, 市场营销, 和商业创造,将装备你作为一个有价值的资产在任何组织设置.

在线 -课程以方便的在线形式提供,让您可以在世界任何地方学习.

灵活的 -七周的学期为在职专业人士提供了灵活性.

适应性强的 -针对包括计算机在内的多种设备优化的互动课程网站, 平板电脑, and smartphones.

负担得起的 ——可负担得起的 学费 and available financial aid.

支持 -专门的项目顾问确保在您攻读学位和履行其他承诺期间提供支持.

Networking Community -以群体为基础的方法为基督徒专业人士建立社区和网络.

Berry Center for Free Enterprise -通过系列演讲与知名商业专业人士交流, 通过参加各种活动获得实践经验, 并探索参与自由企业和创业的众多机会. 雪松维尔的贝里自由企业中心提供的这些倡议将加深你对自由市场的圣经基础的理解,并帮助你在商业世界中为基督产生影响. Explore the Berry Center for Free Enterprise

What Can You Do With a Master of Arts in Innovation?

创新硕士学位将为您提供广泛的职业机会. You can pursue roles such as innovation managers, product development managers, business consultants, entrepreneurship advisors, or technology commercialization specialists. You may find employment in various sectors, including ministry, 任务, technology companies, consulting firms, 创业公司, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, 或者在重视创新并寻求在快速变化的商业环境中保持竞争力的大公司中.

Here is a sampling of job titles:

  • Chief Innovation Officer
  • Product Innovation Manager
  • Marketing Director
  • Director of Product or Service Design
  • User Experience Consultant
  • Senior Design Engineer
  • 企业家

Admission, Costs and Aid, Start Dates

Admission Requirements -在Cedarville的研究生院之旅的第一步是申请入学.

MA in Innovation admission requirements

Costs and Financial Aid — Your decision to pursue quality, 基督教研究生教育代表了你的职业生涯和专业发展的宝贵投资. To assure your degree is also affordable, 沙巴体育的研究生课程价格具有竞争力,并且可以通过各种经济援助来补充.

MA in Innovation Cost Information

Program Start Dates — Applications are accepted throughout the year, and you can enroll and begin classes in August, 10月, 1月, 3月, 五月, 或7月.

Concentrations -从三个需求集中的创新硕士课程中选择:

  • Business Analytics and Visualization
  • Business Innovation
  • Healthcare Innovation

Program Curriculum


  • Management and Leadership of Organizations
  • Strategic Marketing Planning
  • Emerging Trends and Opportunities for Innovation
  • Design Thinking Principles for Innovation
  • Advanced Design Thinking Principles for Innovation
  • Business Modeling and New Venture Creation
  • Creativity to 企业家ship


Business Analytics and Visualization

  • Managerial Data Analysis
  • Data Warehousing and Visualization
  • Business Forecasting and Econometrics
  • Data Mining for Business Analytics

Business Innovation

  • Information Technology for Competitive Advantage
  • Project Management
  • Responding to the Marketplace
  • Applied Leadership

Healthcare Innovation

  • Healthcare Models and Systems
  • Technology in Modern Healthcare
  • Innovation and Quality Improvement in Healthcare
  • Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare Systems

Program Format and Related Programs

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.

Professor speaking with male student in hallway.

From Our Faculty:

Learn About Career Services

Program 联系s

Photo of John Delano

John Delano, PhD

Associate Dean, 罗伯特W. Plaster School of Business; Professor of Information Technology Management


Photo of Kelley Anderson

Kelley Anderson

研究生 Enrollment Advisor for Business and Innovation
Photo of 吉姆史蒂文森


President, International Center for Creativity

